Saturday, March 31, 2007

Challenging Ignorance on Islam: a Ten-Point Primer for Americans

Challenging Ignorance on Islam: a Ten-Point Primer for Americans

by Gary Leupp

"We should invade [Muslim] countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."

Columnist Ann Coulter,

National Review Online, Sept. 13, 2001

"Just turn [the sheriff] loose and have him arrest every Muslim that crosses the state line."

Rep. C. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA),

chairman of the House Subcommittee on Terrorism and Homeland security and Senate candidate, to Georgia law officers, November 2001

"Islam is a religion in which God requires you to send your son to die for him. Christianity is a faith where God sent his Son to die for you."

Attorney General John Ashcroft,

interview on Cal Thomas radio, November 2001

"(Islam) is a very evil and wicked religion wicked, violent and not of the same god (as Christianity)."

Rev. Franklin Graham, head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, November 2001.

"Islam is Evil,Christ is King."

Allegedly written in marker by law enforcement agents on a Muslim prayer calendar in the home of a Muslim being investigated by police in Dearborn, Michigan, July 2002.

People with power and influence in the U.S. have been saying some very stupid things about Islam and about Muslims since September 11. Some of it is rooted in conscious malice, and ethnic prejudice that spills over into religious bigotry. But some is rooted in sheer historical and geographical ignorance. This is a country, after all, in which only a small minority of high school students can readily locate Afghanistan on the map, or are aware that Iranians and Pakistanis are not Arabs. As an educator, in Asian Studies, at a fairly elite university, I am painfully aware of this ignorance. But I realize it serves a purpose. It is highly useful to a power structure that banks on knee-jerk popular support whenever it embarks on a new military venture, at some far-off venue, on false pretexts immediately discernable to the better educated, but lost on the general public. The generally malleable mainstream press takes care of the rest.

I don't mean to suggest that the academic cognosenti, as a "class," habitually counter this ignorance and protest the imperialist interventions that Washington routinely undertakes. Some of them may indeed support the venture, cynically asserting that the advertised pretext fulfills some sort of valid function, regardless of the lies and distortions that surround it. (I think of the depiction in the media of the "Rambouillet Accords" concerning Yugoslavia in 1999 as "the will of the international community," when one Contact Group member, Russia, rejected the U.S.-dictated plan for Kosovo outright, and several European states only signed on after their arms were twisted nearly out of their sockets. I think of the calculated, extreme exaggeration of the number of Kosovar victims of Serbian forces as the bombing of Yugoslavia began. The lies surrounding that bombing were obvious to anyone studying the situation, but even some rather progressive academics were all for "Operation Allied Force.") American academe is---unfortunately--- whatever its right-wing critics may contend, not particularly left or anti-imperialist. In any case, such ignorance is not just a national embarrassment; it's really dangerous. Raw material for a made-in-USA version of fascism.

To understand the contemporary world, we all need to know something about Islam-beyond the inane contribution of the Attorney General cited above. So I have prepared this little primer on Islam for Americans (suitable for ages 13 and above, so appropriate for high school use), dealing not with its theology so much as its general character as an important force in the world, presently encountering unprecedented, unprincipled attack from various quarters. (Oh, and by the way, I'm not a Muslim, but what those on the Christian right revile as a "secular humanist.")

1. Islam has been around for approximately 1400 years. Established on the west coast of Arabia 900 years before European settlement in America, and spreading rapidly throughout Southwest Asia and North Africa soon thereafter, it was not designed as an anti-U.S. movement!

The basic teachings or requirements of Islam are not difficult to grasp. They constitute the "Five Pillars of Islam": (1) profession that there is no God but God ("Allah," in Arabic), and his Prophet (the last of the prophets, the "seal of the prophets") is Muhammad; (2) daily prayer; (3) fasting during the month of Ramadan; (4) charity; and (5) the pilgrimage to Mecca. Whatever you may think of this package, it's not terribly threatening to the non-Muslim.

2. Islam's teachings are contained in a fairly compact book, the Qur'an, which Muslims believe was dictated to the Prophet Muhammad by the archangel Gabriel. They believe of it precisely what Jews and Christians believe of their scriptures: that is, it's the Word of God. This book, like the Bible, demands belief in monotheism; refers to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jesus, etc. (far more space is given to Mary, mother of Jesus, in the Qur'an than in the New Testament); has a substantial legalistic component reminiscent of the Old Testament Book of Leviticus, and poetic content as beautifully uplifting as the Book of Psalms. For religious and secular scholars alike, it is absolutely clear that Islam stems from the Judeo-Christian tradition. Indeed, we should think in terms of the "Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition."

(Some fundamentalist Christians, of course, see Islam as the work of Satan, and medieval Christians in Europe saw it as a heresy rather than as "paganism. The point is---for better or worse---Muslims have a whole lot more in common with the dominant religious trends in the U.S. than do, say, Buddhists or Hindus.)

3. Muslims are about 20% of the world's population; Christians, about 30%. (The U.S. Muslim population is estimated between 5 and 8 million; U.S. Jews between 5 and 6 million). The global Jewish population is statistically quite small, so one can say the Judeo-Christian-Islamic population is roughly half the world's total. The consequences of a protracted religious war, pitting Christians and Jews against Muslims, are highly unpleasant to consider.

4. The Qur'an depicts Jews and Christians as "People of the Book," meaning that they have their own scriptures bestowed upon them by God (Allah is simply the Arabic world for God, related to the Hebrew Elohim; we should see it as analogous to the German word Gott, the French Dieu, or the Spanish Dios. It's not the personal name of a deity within a pantheon, like Thor, Aphrodite or Siva.)

Muslim scripture counsels respect for these communities, and indeed, in the history of Islam, within Islamic societies Jews and Christians have fared FAR better than non-Christians in Christendom. Muslims ruled all or part of Spain from around 800 to the late 15th century, when Columbus' great patrons, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella "drove the Moors (Muslims) out of Spain," forced everybody to embrace Catholic Christianity (or be killed), and promoted the exquisite Christian tortures of the Inquisition. Under Muslim rule, Christian and Jewish communities generally flourished from Spain to Iraq. On the other hand, until recent times, Christian intolerance prevailed throughout Europe.

5. The Qu'ran does NOT call upon Muslims to KILL all non-Muslims. It calls for the destruction of "infidels," meaning principally Arabs who, during the time of Muhammad, practiced idolatry and polytheism. Again: this is a seventh-century book, produced in a specific historical context! It, and the Muslim religion, should be studied and understood objectively, dispassionately. Islam emerged very quickly, and within decades united under its banner-the banner of monotheism---the various tribes of Arabia. Its violent rejection of idolatry, however offensive to the modern, secular, humanist mind, is hardly unique. It can be compared to the ferocious suppression in Christian Europe of paganism (often associated with witchcraft).

And for perspective, while the Qu'ran does call for the extermination of "infidels," the Old Testament is replete with its own exhortations to genocide. According to the Biblical narrative (of dubious historicity, but believed by hundreds of millions), the Hebrews under Joshua's leadership, invading Canaan from Egypt, killed twelve thousand "men and women together" in the town of Ai-because God wanted them to (Joshua 8:25). The Hebrews put all the people of Hazor to the sword (they "wiped them all out; they did not leave one living soul." Judges 11:14). The poetics of hatred are as conspicuous in the Bible as in the Qu'ran. A personal favorite of mine, from Psalm 137, refers to the Babylonians: "A blessing on him who takes and dashes your babies against the rock!" Such references are characteristic of Judeo-Christian-Islamic literature, and are best examined in historical perspective.

6. Islamic "fundamentalism" is not a species apart from other fundamentalisms, including the Christian, Jewish, and Hindu varieties. They are all anti-modern, anti-science, anti-intellectual, rarely harmless and potentially (if not necessarily) fascistic. They demand belief in received dogma, inscribed in texts, rather than open-ended scientific inquiry. They either legitimate the existing order, or call for a return to a past social order in which class and gender relations were properly sorted out in line with the Divine Will.

Some (including non-religious people in or from Muslim countries) criticize Islam (appropriately, in my view) for what they consider backward and reactionary features. This is not the place to deal with such criticisms, nor am I the right person to do it. I will merely observe what many others have observed: Christendom underwent the Enlightenment-an evolution towards secularism, rationalism, and scientific thought in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries-which the Islamic world, in general, has not yet experienced. To become "modern" (more specifically, to become capitalist), the West had to become more ideologically tolerant (i.e., less religious), and allow a freer market in ideas than had been possible when the Church monopolized learning. If mullahs monopolize education in much of the Muslim world, they serve a function identical with that of Europe's medieval Catholic clergy.

But our own Enlightenment is not irreversible. Top U.S. officials reject the theory of evolution in favor of the ludicrous "theory" of "creationism,"and seek to criminalize abortion on the grounds that a fetus is a human being created by God. Recent changes in U.S. law (allowing the use of vouchers to support religious schools at taxpayer's expense), and the failure of the courts to prosecute behavior which plainly violates the constitutional separation of church and state, demonstrate that medieval thinking and fundamentalism retain a strong hold in sections of U.S. society, and are well represented in the Bush administration. The American people are, I submit, far more threatened by Christian fundamentalism than its Islamic counterpart. And for a Pentecostalist Christian like John Ashcroft, who believes every word of the Bible literally, to inveigh against Islam (as he has) is (to use the English proverb) the "pot calling the kettle black."

7. Islamic fundamentalism (or what some, including CNN Moneyline's Lou Dobbs calls "Islamism," meaning a specifically political Islam) has NOT, historically, posed a great threat to Western interests (by which I mean corporate, oil, and geopolitical interests) but rather been exploited to SERVE those interests. Remember Lawrence of Arabia? What was his objective other than to forge a British alliance with the Hashemites, who would certainly qualify as "Islamists" by Lou Dobb's standards, during World War I? Later, the British boosted the Saudi royal family (patrons of the Wahhabi school of Islam, usually described as among the most conservative, embraced by Osama bin Laden as well as the Saudis in general) into power. The U.S. inherited Saudi Arabia as a client state after World War II, and we all know how well U.S. oil companies have done there ever since. (Aramco alone, prior to its nationalization in the mid-1980s, yielded some $ 3 trillion from the Arabian reserves.)

The U.S. helped create, recruit, and finance the fundamentalist Mujahadeen, including some 30,000 young volunteers who came from throughout the Muslim world to fight "godless Communism" in Afghanistan in the 1980s. The U.S. encouraged them to view their war as a jihad (in the sense of a "Holy War," a meaning the term usually does NOT carry), and put many in contact with young Osama bin Laden, then an ally. The Reagan administration was in love with fundamentalist Islam, so long as it served its purposes.

The California-based company Unocal was cordially negotiating right up to Sept. 11 with Afghanistan's Taliban for an oil pipeline through Afghan territory, State Department official and oilman Zalmay Khalilzad was arguing up through 1998 that the Taliban were friendly, potential business partners who did "not practice the anti-U.S. style of fundamentalism practiced in Iran."

8. Muslims of the world have many thoroughly LEGITIMATE reasons to resent U.S. policy. Nearly absolute support for the settler state of Israel in its relationship with the indigenous Palestinian people. Imposition of brutal sanctions on Iraq, contrary to logic and morality. Maintenance of bases throughout the Persian Gulf, in defiance of local sensibilities and interests. Support for brutal regimes, including that of the Shah of Iran and that of Indonesia's Suharto (who unquestionably has more blood on his hands than even that arch-villain and former U.S. buddy Saddam Hussein).

9. Muslims typically DO NOT hate the U.S. as an abstract concept, reject U.S. culture in toto, or seek the destruction of American civilization. Many are, indeed, uncomfortable with some aspects of American behavior, as are most people in the world, from Central America to Japan. But a Zogby International poll, released June 11 of this year, shows that in nine Muslim countries, including Bangladesh and Malaysia, the most admired foreign country is the U.S.

10. Muslims and Jews in Palestine/Israel have NOT always hated one another, and the current Middle East conflict does NOT go back many centuries. Rather, it began with the influx of foreign Jews into the region after World War I, which became a flood as a result of the Holocaust, and with international support resulted in the formation of Israel as a specifically Jewish state in 1948. Jewish settlement and terrorism (well-documented by the Jewish Israeli historian Ilan Pappe) resulted in the displacement of 750,000 Palestinian Arabs (including both Christians and Muslims). The Arab-Israeli conflict is not, fundamentally, about Islam, or a clash between Islam and other faiths, but about this-worldly land grabbing, settlement, dispossession and oppression that has enraged the Muslim world, as it should enrage any thinking, moral human being. Unfortunately, fundamentalist Christians in this country tend to depict this history of injustice as the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, and they will brook no dissent when it comes to the Zionist cause that they have embraced as their own. ("God gave them the land, so don't bother me with historical details. End of discussion.") Hard to imagine a delusion more injurious to world peace and to the cause of justice.

Finally: In understanding Islam, Americans should give some thought to one of the pivotal episodes in world history, the Crusades, or Wars of the Cross, that ripped up the Holy Land between 1096 and 1291. During these two centuries, European Christians seeking to "win back for Christendom" territory that had fallen to the Muslim Turks-territory that had been ruled by Muslims since the early seventh century anyway, on terms generally agreeable to Jews and Christians as well as Muslims-committed unspeakable atrocities. In July 1099 Jerusalem was conquered, the Roman Catholic soldiers massacring all the Muslim and Jewish inhabitants, including women and children. Nor was the Crusaders' zeal exhausted upon non-Christians; frustrated at lack of success in Palestine in 1204, they instead sacked Constantinople (modern Istanbul), then the center of Eastern Orthodoxy. In comparison, the behavior of the Muslim armies was chivalrous, the twelfth-century Kurdish leader Saladin in particular winning high praise from Christians and Muslims alike for his humanity.

The Islamic world remembers the Crusades; George Bush, like many Americans, is clueless about them. Hence his amazingly dim-witted reference to the "War on Terrorism" as a "Crusade" last September 16-a statement that produced immediate, widespread outrage in the Muslim world. No offense intended, no doubt. But such ignorance, in action, in a world where religious prejudice generates idiotic action from Belfast, to the Balkans, to Gujarat, to the Moluccas, is perilous ignorance indeed.

Gary Leupp is an an associate professor, Department of History, Tufts University and coordinator, Asian Studies Program

He can be reached at:

Muslims and Jews: a historical perspective that reveals surprises

Muslims and Jews: a historical perspective that reveals surprises

Once upon a time, a widely circulated Jewish document described Islam as "an act of God's Mercy".

Also, Jews in the near East, north Africa and Spain threw their support behind advancing Muslim Arab armies.

No, these aren't fairy tales or propaganda. The relationship between Muslims and Jews really was that cooperative and marked by peaceful coexistence.

Just ask Khalid Siddiqi of the Islamic Education and Information Center in San Jose, California where he also teaches Islamic Studies and Arabic at Chabot College and Ohlone College.

Siddiqi notes that the first quote above is from S. D. Goitein's book Jews and Arabs. The second is from Merlin Swartz's 'The Position of Jews in Arab lands following the rise of Islam' (reprinted from The Muslim World. Hartford Seminary Foundation LXI1970).

Swartz also says the Muslim Arab conquest marked the dawn of a new era. Those forces that had led to the progressive isolation and disruption of Jewish life were not only checked they were dramatically reversed.

In an interview with Sound Vision, Siddiqi gave numerous examples of Jews flourishing under Muslim rule in places like Spain, Morocco, North African in general and various parts of the Middle East.

Siddiqi points out that Islam as a religion has given specific guidelines for the followers of Islam to base their relationship with any non-Muslim. These include People of Scripture, like the Jews, people who belong to other religions, and even atheists. Non-Muslims must be treated on the basis of Birr (kindness) and Qist (justice), as referred to Surah 60 verse 8 of the Quran.

It started at the time of the Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

The peaceful coexistence of Muslims and Jews began at the time of the Prophet.

Siddiqi notes that the Jews welcomed the Prophet when he arrived in Madinah at the time of Hijrah (migration), along with the rest of the city's inhabitants.

But the Prophet had begun the step towards good relations with Jewish and other communities in Madinah even before getting there.

After receiving an invitation to Madinah from one of the city's tribes that had accepted Islam, the Prophet signed treaties with the city's Jewish, Christian and polytheist tribes before he arrived there.

These treaties clearly laid out responsibilities of each of the parties. It was based on these that the Prophet established the Mithaq al Madinah, the constitution of Madinah.

Siddiqi says this was the first constitution of the world and one of the greatest political documents ever prepared by any human being. It is the oldest surviving constitution of any state.

Under this constitution, any Jew who followed the Muslims was entitled to their assistance and the same rights as anyone of them without any injustice or partisanship.

It said the Jews are an Ummah (community of believers) alongside the Muslims. The Jews have their religion and the Muslims theirs. As well, it noted that each will assist one another against any violation of this covenant.

Jews during the Muslim era

Despite this early breach of contract, there are still numerous examples from Muslim history of Muslim-Jewish cooperation and coexistence.

Siddiqi gave examples of how Muslim Spain, which was a "golden era" of creativity and advancement for Muslims was also one for Jews.

While Europe was in its Dark Ages and Jews were reviled there, Muslims in Spain during the same period worked side by side with Jews in developing literature, science and art.

Together, they translated classical Greek texts into Arabic. This task later helped Europe move out of the Dark Ages and into the Renaissance.

Jews flourished under Muslim rule in Egypt as well, where they achieved very high positions in government.

Siddiqi quotes some lines from an Arab poet of that time, to illustrate: 'Today the Jews have reached the summit of their hopes and have become aristocrats. Power and riches have they and from them councilors and princes are chosen'.

Today: the forced expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland has destroyed good Muslim-Jewish relations

So what happened?

Although not the only cause, a large part of the deterioration in Muslim-Jewish relations comes from the emergence of Zionism, the forced expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland by Zionist Jews and British colonizers, as well as their continuing oppression.

Siddiqi says, "while this reaction results in anti-Jewish feeling it must be seen in its proper historical context. It must be remembered that anti-Jewish sentiments in so far as it is to be found in the contemporary Arab world is strictly a modern phenomenon and one that runs counter to the time honored Islamic tradition of fraternity and tolerance.

"The very widespread popular notion that present day Arab-Jewish hostility is but another chapter in a long history of mutual animosity is totally false. If there is one thing the past makes clear it is precisely that Arabs and Jews can live together peacefully and in a mutually beneficial relationship. History also makes it very clear that they are the heirs to the Islamic tradition of openness and tolerance."

The key to reestablishing good relations between Muslims and Jews again is justice, notes Siddiqui. This principle is foreign to neither Islam nor Judaism.

In Islam, standing up for justice, he points out, must be done even if it is against ourselves, our parents, our kin, the rich or the poor. This is clearly mentioned in the Quran (4:135).

Siddiqi points out that the emphasis on justice is also mentioned in Jewish scripture in the prophecies of Michael in chapter three: "Zion shall be redeemed with justice and by those who will come to her with righteousness."

6 tips on how to relate to people of the Jewish faith

6 tips on how to relate to people of the Jewish faith
by Sound Vision Staff Writer

The forced expulsion of Palestinians, their oppression and the attacks on Masjid al-Aqsa: these are things Muslims cannot bear to see or tolerate. In their anger and disgust, some Muslims mention individual Jews, people as a whole or their faith in a way that is not in line with Islamic teachings.

How can we relate to Jews on a personal level, without compromising our rights and sense of justice and fair play? Here are some ideas:

1. Be just

Remember that justice is a fundamental part of Islam. On a daily level, a person of the Jewish faith who is not harming you or attacking you must not become a target of attack, physical or otherwise.

Islam is a religion of peace and justice and we must demand justice for our brothers and sisters in Palestine, as well as our right to Jerusalem and the right of return for Palestinians.

We must also be just in our treatment of Jews. There are examples from the life of the Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon him) as well as from the lives of his Companions, especially Umar, who conquered Jerusalem as the second Khalifah that show us how they dealt with Jews in a just manner.

2. Remember your history

Keep in mind that Muslims have, overall, had a much longer history of cooperation and peaceful coexistence with Jews than probably any other group of people.

While Jews were reviled and executed in Europe at different points in time, Muslims have no equivalent of this kind of hatred.

Remind not just Muslims, but also Jews of this history in the next discussion you have with them whether it's in class, at work or elsewhere.

3. Properly understand verses of the Quran and Hadiths about Jews

It is important to get a correct understanding of a number of verses of the Quran as well as sayings of the Prophet on Jews.

Some Muslims take one verse or a few, without looking at when they were revealed or why, as well as the historical circumstances relating to them, as an excuse to mistreat Jews. This is not correct.

Allah does criticize Jews in the Quran. He also criticizes Christians, polytheists, and Muslims. Our Creator has the perspective and the perfect knowledge which none of us can claim.

The purpose of the God's criticism is to invite people to reaffirm their faith in the original teachings brought by the all Prophets and to correct the group's behavior or respond to a question they raised.

Criticism of a people by their Creator though, is not a license to stereotype them, and certainly not an excuse to mistreat them individually or collectively with bad attitudes or behavior.

4. On Palestine

When discussing Palestine know the Muslims' position and state it clearly, confidently and respectfully. Don't compromise on the truth, but don't be rude, verbally abusive or insulting. There is no place for that kind of behavior in Islam, even when discussing an issue as important to Muslims and Jews as Palestine and Jerusalem.

5. Invite them to teaching brought by all of the Prophets

The Quran refers to the Jews as Ahl al-Kitab (People of the Book). There status is exactly the same as of Christians. Allah also gives Muslims this instruction about them:

Say: 'O People of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: that we worship none but God; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, lords and patrons other than God.' If then they turn back, say ye: 'Bear witness that we (at least) are bowing to God's Will.' (3: 64)

6. Don't forget to use Islamic communication skills

To be able to effectively put into practice the previous tip, we have to have the necessary Islamic communication skills. We must speak and deal with all in the nicest possible manner.

We can remember the example of Prophets Moses and Aaron, who are respected by Muslims and Jews alike, and how they approached Pharaoh with Allah's message. Allah's peace and blessings be upon them.

Allah instructed these prophets to address this tyrant and oppressor in the nicest possible manner despite the fact that he had rebelled against the Creator. Moses and Aaron were to help him with their nice talk to rethink his position, become fearful of God and change his ways. (see Quran 20:43-44)

This is a basic principle of Islamic communication and cannot be forgotten, whether the recipients are atheists, Muslims or Jews.

Dear Elder Cousins of the Jewish Community,Thankyou very much for your help, support and solidarity.

Dear friends and Elder Cousins of the Jewish Community,
Thankyou very much for your help, support and solidarity.
I have been running an ACLU office from my home and returning calls without sleep. I was thinking of waiting till tommorrow to write this flowery, eloquent "thankyou" letter. But, my conscience wanted to thankyou and tell you how I felt from the bottom of my heart without any sham or drama. So, I will write a short note to tell you " I love you all and I love OLYMPIA !"

It was very touching and moving to see that y'all sacrificed your precious evening to sit through the dirty propaganda. Specifically, what was deploring was the invocation of the holocaust images to justify their hate propaganda. I am very sorry that you all had to sit through those terrible images, that were playing with emotions, for the vilification and dehumanization of the muslims. The healing soft words that you used to try to close the wounds opened by the nasty images were very much appreciated. The FRIDAY SERMON today included a special reference and prayer for all of you who helped so much and have so much sensitivity and sensiblity.

We would like to re-iterate that we hate violence, have condemned it and shall continue to do so. The Muslim community is committed to participating in all non-violent, pacifist actions and with some encouragement, and providing of a safe place to talk , shall be happy to participate en masse in your meetings, conversations and dialogues.

Many of y'all echoed what we felt- that it is time to have a "Jewish Muslim Compassionate Listening group" meeting just to talk about how we felt during and after this wretched, miserable piece of hate propaganada of the neo-nazi, right-wingers. What do you say ? When ? Where ? (masjid is okay this time or the synagogue; wherever, just soon enough !)

In closing, I would like to have a quote from each of you who attended, to include in a collage of pictures and reporting- (amongst many that I met and hugged- forgive me if I don't enumerate all the names, but be sure to send me your quote about the movie, or how you felt at the end, any flaws that you saw etc. )
Bob Reuben, Larry Hildes, Karen Weill, Toby and Jim Shulruff, Eden and many many more !
I have so many pictures to share with you all ! They have come out so good !

Y'all are the good -guys ! You are troopers !
You know what - PEACE ROCKS !
I remain,
Yours Sincerely,
Muhammad Ayub

Friday, March 23, 2007

Reminder- Jews and Muslims gathering- Sunday, March, 25th, 2007. 1:00 pm - Temple Beth Hathfiloh Synagogue


Sisters and Brothers,
Salaams to all of you
As you all know that the Jewish - Muslim Compassionate listening group meets every other week, regularly for the past several years. This is part of a national movement to demonstrate a template for our children to follow.
Now, it is the time for a larger gathering- Our Jewish neighbors and elder cousins are calling us, with warmth, friendship and hospitality !
You are respectfully invited to a Jews and Muslims gathering- Sunday, March, 25th, 2007. 1:00 pm - Temple Beth Hathfiloh Synagogue.
Plz. see attached flier.
For many of us, it will be the first ever guided tour in a synagogue. Bring your children, your cameras, your smiles and your goodwill.
Allah bless you for helping to promote peace and build bridges ! This is a safe place for you to speak, talk to , mingle with and express your religion without being judged or stereo-typed.
WORLD PEACE begins at home !
Previous successes have included annual gatherings, co-operation at times of crises (Neo-Nazis in Olympia) and table-talks / pot-lucks.


PS- If your children want to do a school paper about "Visit to a Synagogue", make sure they have a note book or something to jot down all the names and new words that shall be added to their vocabulary.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: pmausa
Date: Mar 21, 2007 5:43 PM

Salamalaikum, Brother Ayub, could you please forward this to everyone. Thanks

Please join us for:


Sunday March 25TH, 1:00 PM


Temple Beth Hatfiloh: Located at 8th and Washington in downtown Olympia

The Jewish-Muslim listening group invites you to join the Muslims and Jews
of Olympia area to share your thoughts and listen to others about how one
feels to be a Muslim or a Jew in America and more specifically in Olympia
area, WA.

Please bring a vegetarian snack to share at the event.

Free Registration:
Nina Berenfeld 360-701-3949


I remain,
Yours Sincerely,
Muhammad Ayub

Learn more about our Jewish neighbors and their religion - Understanding and education about each another promotes friendship !

"Temple Beth Hatfiloh is a 160 member-household congregation in Olympia, Washington dedicated to fulfilling the spiritual, educational, social and cultural needs of Jews in the South Puget Sound region. We serve as a Jewish resource for Thurston and surrounding counties. "

Learn more about the Sabbath -

Learn more about Judaism -

Learn more about Jewish Culture around the world -

Reminder- Friday evening- Hear the author of "Darfur Diaries"-Friday, 7PM, Orca Books- DO NOT MISS THIS ! Jen Marlowe

Reminder- Friday evening- Darfur Diaries-Friday, 7PM, Orca Books- DO NOT MISS THIS !
Bring your camera and autograph book !
Jen is an excellent speaker, with a clarity that is rare !
Incidentally, (by fluke) I met her at the Rachel Corrie Foundation office; she has a gift of sifting through lots of things and getting to the essence quickly !
Plz. prepone or postpone your errands and other engagements - this is a very important program !


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cindy Corrie <>
Date: Mar 21, 2007 7:37 AM
Subject: [olympiaandrafah] FW: Darfur Diaries-Friday, 7PM, Orca Books

Darfur Diaries, Stories of Survival with author and filmmaker Jen Marlowe

Jen Marlowe
Friday, March 23rd, 7PM at Orca Books
509 E. 4th Ave, Olympia

My good friend, Jen Marlowe writes...

I am thrilled to be coming to Olympia on March 23 for a book talk

about "Darfur Diaries: Stories of Survival".

I hope you will be able to come to the event at Orca Books.

Refugees and displaced peoples, civilians and fighters resisting the

Sudanese government, teachers, students, parents, children and

community leaders provide the heart of "Darfur Diaries". Their

stories and testimonies, woven together with the personal experiences

of the filmmakers/authors, and conveyed with political and historical

context, provide a much-needed account to understand Darfur.

Alice Walker, author of The Color Purple, wrote about the book and

film "…Do not resist seeing and reading their story, thinking it

another violent assault on the heart. It is rather a gentle if

persistent knock upon the door of every living human soul. Brother,

sister, we are still here, holding this space for you, for humanity,

are you still there? I left the book and the film feeling a great

deal more hope for us all."

Deborah Scroggins, author of Emma's War says that the book "is the

most fresh and engaging account of the Darfur tragedy yet to come out."

Books will be sold and signed—and I am happy to

personalize inscriptions for those purchased as gifts for others.

A percentage of all proceeds from "Darfur Diaries" goes towards our

efforts to fund schools in the destroyed villages we visited in Darfur

—an initiative that has now resulted in the funding of two schools in

northern Darfur, providing an education to over 900 children.

Please forward this email to friends/family

members and colleagues!

I hope to see you at Orca Books!


Jen Marlowe

Darfur Diaries


Friday, March 23, 7pm

Book talk and reading with author Jen Marlowe, followed by book signing

Orca Books

509 E. 4th Ave

Olympia, WA 98501




If you know someone interested in joining the "olympiaandrafah" listserv, please have him or her send an email to

To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to

I remain,
Yours Sincerely,
Muhammad Ayub

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jen Marlowe <>
Date: Mar 20, 2007 1:23 PM
Subject: Coming to Olympia March 23 with Darfur Diaries


Friday, March 23, 7pm
Book talk and reading with author Jen Marlowe, followed by book signing

Orca Books
509 E. 4th Ave

Dear friends,

I am thrilled to be coming to Olympia on March 23 for a book talk
about "Darfur Diaries: Stories of Survival".

I hope you will be able to come to the event at Orca Books.

Refugees and displaced peoples, civilians and fighters resisting the
Sudanese government, teachers, students, parents, children and
community leaders provide the heart of "Darfur Diaries". Their
stories and testimonies, woven together with the personal experiences
of the filmmakers/authors, and conveyed with political and historical
context, provide a much-needed account to understand Darfur.

Alice Walker, author of The Color Purple, wrote about the book and
film "…Do not resist seeing and reading their story, thinking it
another violent assault on the heart. It is rather a gentle if
persistent knock upon the door of every living human soul. Brother,
sister, we are still here, holding this space for you, for humanity,
are you still there? I left the book and the film feeling a great
deal more hope for us all."

Deborah Scroggins, author of Emma's War says that the book "is the
most fresh and engaging account of the Darfur tragedy yet to come out."

Books will be sold and signed at the screening—and I am happy to
personalize inscriptions for books purchased as gifts for others.

A percentage of all proceeds from "Darfur Diaries" goes towards our
efforts to fund schools in the destroyed villages we visited in Darfur
—an initiative that has now resulted in the funding of two schools in
northern Darfur, providing an education to over 900 children.

Please forward this email (with the attached flyer) to friends/family
members and colleagues!

I hope to see you at Orca Books!

Jen Marlowe
Darfur Diaries


Friday, March 23, 7pm
Book talk and reading with author Jen Marlowe, followed by book signing
Orca Books
509 E. 4th Ave
Olympia, WA 98501